The 2024 Axel Kahn Prize is awarded jointly to Michel Barrot and Ipek Yalcin

Congratulations to Ipek Yalcin and Michel Barrot, team EURIDOL - Graduate School of Pain for the prize which rewards their remarkable work to understand the mechanisms of the anxiodepressive consequences of chronic pain and the mechanism of analgesic action of certain antidepressants. Discoveries that go beyond the pain of cancer!



EURIDOL - The Graduate School of Pain

The Graduate School of Pain (EURIDOL) is one of 5 excellence initiatives of the University of Strasbourg, creating French-style Graduate Schools (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche). EURIDOL was founded in 2018, based on a partnership between the University of Strasbourg, the CNRS and the Inserm. Its main objective is to train young people to become the future generation of leaders in pain research.

EURIDOL is one of the three pillars of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Strasbourg (ITI NeuroStra).

The Graduate School is funded for ten years (2018-2027) by the Investments for the Future Programme via the National Agency for Research, ANR (3.4 million euros).