The 2024 Axel Kahn Prize is awarded jointly to Michel Barrot and Ipek Yalcin

Congratulations to Ipek Yalcin and Michel Barrot, team EURIDOL - Graduate School of Pain for the prize which rewards their remarkable work to understand the mechanisms of the anxiodepressive consequences of chronic pain and the mechanism of analgesic action of certain antidepressants. Discoveries that go beyond the pain of cancer!

The 2024 Axel Kahn Prize is awarded jointly to Michel Barrot and Ipek Yalcin (CNRS, University of Strasbourg) for all the research they have carried out on the relationships between chronic pain and anxiodepressive disorders. Their work has had a major impact on understanding the anatomical and functional bases of these comorbidities and is at the origin of fundamental advances in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of certain antidepressants in reducing pain.

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