EURIDOL - Graduate school of pain - Faculté des sciences de la vie - Université de Strasbourg fr EURIDOL - Graduate school of pain - Faculté des sciences de la vie - Université de Strasbourg Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:47:17 +0200 Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:47:17 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-16435 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 12:46:21 +0200 19th annual meeting of the INSERM French pain network in Nice EURIDOL principal investigators and PhD students did a great job ! 19th annual meeting of the INSERM French pain network in Nice.


Actualités EURIDOL
news-16146 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:02:02 +0100 Bordeaux Summer School 2024 - Neural circuits of pain: from physiology to pathology L'école d'été à Bordeaux aura lieu du 10 au 14 juin 2024 à l'Ecole des Neurosciences de Bordeaux en collaboration avec l'institut CERVO à Québec et l'INCI à Strasbourg. Nous sommes heureux de vous informer qu'aura lieu une école d'été autour de "Neural circuits of pain: from physiology to pathology" du 10 au 14 juin 2024 à l'Ecole des Neurosciences de Bordeaux en collaboration avec l'institut CERVO à Québec et l'INCI à Strasbourg.

L'école comprendra une partie théorique, avec des intervenants internationaux le lundi et mardi, et une partie pratique le reste de la semaine, avec différents ateliers.

Les informations sur l'organisation et l'inscription se trouvent ici.

Les inscriptions seront closes le 31 mars.

N'hésitez pas à contacter l'organisation pour toute information

Actualités EURIDOL
news-15343 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:59:00 +0100 We're HIRING! Join the EURIDOL Team! EURIDOL is looking for its new School Manager! Take a look at the job announcement on the Unistra website or download the announcement here.


Interested? Apply until December 5th!

Send your CV and letter to poisbeau[at]

Questions? Feel free to contact us!


Actualités EURIDOL
news-15467 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:13:58 +0100 Parution de l'ouvrage collectif "Penser le soin pour une médecine humaine et sociale", sous la direction de Philippe Cornet - Préface de Gérard Ostermann. Comment penser le soin dans sa dimension scientifique, mais aussi humaine et sociale ? Une réflexion pluridisciplinaire au cœur des questionnements contemporains. Nouvelles techniques, progrès scientifiques… le soin change. Et les demandes des patients changent aussi : recherche d’une qualité relationnelle avec le soignant, d’une écoute, d’une implication dans les parcours de soins et les décisions médicales, d’éducation thérapeutique, de choix de traitement en fin de vie… Autant de situations qui invitent les soignants à penser différemment la médecine.

La place de la personne malade au sein du dispositif de soins interpelle aussi bien le patient lui-même, que le politique, le philosophe, le sociologue ou le médecin. Comment conjuguer la médecine dans sa dimension scientifique, mais aussi humaine et sociale ? Comment faire afin que la relation de soins soit une véritable rencontre ?

Cet ouvrage contribue à éclairer les enjeux du soin de nos sociétés postmodernes. Il aborde des questions aussi variées que l’importance de l’identité narrative dans la consultation, la connaissance du corps et de la maladie : discours médical, histoire de la médecine, narration profane et parole poétique, image du corps… De façon plus générale, il questionne la place des sciences humaines dans la pratique de soins.


Philippe Cornet, Médecin, Professeur des Universités. Émérite, Docteur en sociologie. Sorbonne Université.


François Athané, Delphine Cadwallader, Philippe Cornet, Christine Durif-Bruckert, Sophie Duverne, Sarraouinia Gakunzi, Charlotte Geindre, David Le Breton, Michèle Lévy-Soussan, Michela Marzano, Vincent Miramont, Chiara Moretti, Gérard Ostermann, Gérard Reach, Mathieu Simonet, Guy Simonnet.


ISBN/EAN 978-2-84835-871-0

256 pages

Format: 15 × 21 cm

Actualités EURIDOL
news-14683 Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:00:00 +0200 Seminar Dr Aubin Moutal October 12th, 11 a.m. on "Rare autoantibodies betray their targets as drivers of chronic pain" "Rare autoantibodies betray their targets as drivers of chronic pain"

Dr Aubin Moutal, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, St Louis University, USA,


will give a seminar on


"Rare autoantibodies betray their targets as drivers of chronic pain"


Date: Thursday, October 12th, 11 a.m.


Venue: INCI, 8 allée du Général Rouvillois, 67084 STRASBOURG Salle des séminaires (ground floor)

Actualités EURIDOL Agenda EURIDOL
news-14634 Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:36:51 +0200 Effect of a web-based app music intervention in the management of chronic pain: a randomised controlled trial by type of pain Pierrick Poisbeau from the Euridol consortium participated in this interdisciplinary study. Click on the image to see the details! Actualités EURIDOL Publications EURIDOL news-13312 Mon, 03 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0200 Science and video games : Euridol PhD-Student Guillaume Reho talks about his participation in the first Scientific Game Jam in Strasbourg During the second weekend of March 2023, a scientific game jam took place in Strasbourg (in the Shadok) for the first time. A game jam is an event dedicated to creating a video game in a short time (48 to 72 hours) by small teams of developers, visual artists, sound designers, etc. Usually without any prizes to win, game jams are mostly a fun challenge for passionate players and video game creators. Then, what does this have to do with science ? Well, in 2014, the French Society of Physics in Grenoble initiated the scientific game jam, which included a common scientific theme to create a video game about. This rule added other interesting challenges : creating imaginative gameplay using complex scientific concepts and being able to communicate to the general public about these concepts. For the 2023 edition, the initial organizers extended this event to multiple cities all over France, including Strasbourg.

This Strasbourg edition also implemented something new : every team would not work on one scientific concept, but every team would have their own scientist with them to work on their own thesis! This rule really shed more light on the scientific concepts behind every game and extended the variety of possibilities. Each scientist, most if not all of them from the unistra, presented their project in a short presentation in front of everyone. Study fields were very diverse : biology, quantum chemistry, informatics, linguistics, mathematics, korean cinema, etc. I had the pleasure to present my thesis work about nociception in planarians, which always produces its load of curious questions in the public, and give a quick shout out to Euridol.

At the end of the weekend, we managed to have a playable game, which you can find here :

The game’s presentation page is in French but to give you a quick idea of what it is about, it is a 2D survival game where you control a planarian in a quest for water, but you will need to glide through rough environments and avoid predators.

If you want to have a look at other submissions to the scientific game jam (not only from Strasbourg but also from Grenoble, Nancy, Lyon, Paris and more), here’s the link :

This first Strasbourg edition was created, moderated and managed by Héberlé Eléa (PhD, former Unistra student) and Alexandre Lefebvre (from East Games). If you are interested in this event but did not hear about it, please get in touch with the organizers from the website or myself, it will help make it happen next year too!

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13192 Tue, 07 Mar 2023 14:18:00 +0100 Optical control of PIEZO1 channels "PIEZO proteins are unusually large, mechanically-activated trimeric ion channels. The central pore features structural similarities with the pore of other trimeric ion channels, including purinergic P2X receptors, for which optical control of channel gating has been previously achieved with photoswitchable azobenzenes. Extension of these chemical optogenetics methods to mechanically-activated ion channels would provide tools for specific manipulation of pore activity alternative to non-specific mechanical stimulations. Here we report a light-gated mouse PIEZO1 channel, in which an azobenzene-based photoswitch covalently tethered to an engineered cysteine, Y2464C, localized at the extracellular apex of the transmembrane helix 38, rapidly triggers channel gating upon 365-nm-light irradiation. We provide evidence that this light-gated channel recapitulates mechanically-activated PIEZO1 functional properties, and show that light-induced molecular motions are similar to those evoked mechanically. These results push the limits of azobenzene-based methods to unusually large ion channels and provide a simple stimulation means to specifically interrogate PIEZO1 function."


Actualités EURIDOL Publications EURIDOL
news-13211 Wed, 01 Mar 2023 17:12:00 +0100 PhD-Student Gaëlle Awad attended the "International Drug Association Research Programme" in Nice PhD-Student Gaëlle Awad tells about her participation at the "International Drug Association Research Programme" in Nice. EURIDOL financially supported her participation at this congress. In 2022, the biennale IDARS meeting took place in Nice at the border of the Promenades des Anglais with a spectacular view on the Mediterranean Sea. Other than listening to the waves under the sun while sitting on the iconic blue chairs, talks about recent advances on drug addiction research were held by international speakers covering topics from the molecular to the behavioural aspect of drug addiction. During the week, different subjects were presented such as rodent and human studies on alcohol and opioid use disorders, the role of stress and in our scope of interest, neuroimmune mechanisms underlying these disorders.

As a PhD student, I was selected among many participants to present my work during a flash talk session, my work was entitled “Increased mechanical sensitivity following alcohol or sucrose forced abstinence in mice”. The idea was to point out the possible role of neuroinflammation in alcohol and sucrose bingeing responsible of development of chronic pain. We thought it was important to give insight into the comorbidities associated with addictive-like behaviours since these can interact with potential therapeutic strategies.

This congress was a great opportunity to discover several topics around addiction and to exchange with other international research groups, working on various topics including pain research. It was a fantastic networking opportunity for future post-doc positions and to develop collaborations, as my team now interacts with J.L. Cadet’s team at NIDA, Baltimore.

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13112 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:30:51 +0100 PhD-Student Volodya Hovhannisyan tells us how he organised a symposium on "Sex differences in pain experience and management", which turned out to be larger than expected! In early 2022, EURIDOL proposed to its PhD students to co-finance a talk, which would be initiated by the student. I had the idea of a symposium related to sex differences, whose organisation turned out to be one of the biggest projects of my PhD! The name that naturally came to my mind was Jeffrey Mogil (Montreal, Canada) who works on sex differences in the pain field. EURIDOL endorsed my proposal, so I launched the (long) process! When I contacted Jeffrey, he was immediately very interested to give a talk in our beautiful city, so we rapidly secured a date: October 24th, 2022. At this moment, we were by the end of March, sufficiently far away from the big date.

Then, I had the crazy idea to create something even bigger by inviting other people working in this field.

Few months later and thanks to the financial support of ITI-Neurostra, HaPpY, Neurex and USIAS, I was able to complete the list of amazing speakers with Anne Murphy (Atlanta, USA), Mike Salter (Toronto, Canada), Serge Marchand (Sherbrooke, Canada) and our local representative Yannick Goumon (Strasbourg, France). In addition, an important aspect of this project was to give the opportunity to local PhD students to present their work: we thus included two dedicated sessions in our programme. Four EURIDOL PhD students were selected to present their results in front of pioneers of the domain: Anne-Sophie AUBRY (LNCA), Etienne Clauss—Creusot (INCI), Juliette Kaeffer (BSC) and Lucien Ruelle-Le Glaunec (INCI).

Prior to the meeting, we organised a dinner with the invited speakers which allowed us to chat around good Alsatian food and wine in a relaxed atmosphere. This was especially beneficial for me who had never organised an event like that or met such important scientists.

On D-Day, the meeting started with Jeffrey who presented exciting data about the involvement of telomeres in the cellular senescence in a chronic pain context in animals. After this talk, we welcomed Serge, working on humans, an important aspect that I wanted to include in the meeting. He presented data about endogenous pain modulation in healthy subjects and patients. The third speaker was Anne who highlighted the importance of considering age in addition to sex as a biological variable in our pre-clinical research. She presented data on the signalling of the mu opioid receptor within the periaqueductal grey matter after a treatment with morphine. After a long lunch, Mike awakened us with outstanding data generated from transcriptional and computanional studies done in an animal model of peripheral nerve injury. This proof of concept aimed to find molecules that inhibit the transcription of some genes highly upregulated in such a model. Finally, our local speaker Yannick showed us the importance of pharmacokinetics when studying the effect of a molecule, in his case morphine. His data pointed out the importance of considering peripheral and central metabolism of this molecule in its sex-specific anti-nociceptive effects after peripheral administration.

In conclusion, organising this event required many long meetings and I had to surround myself with caring and understanding people to guide me through the procedures. For this reason, I would like to thank again Alexandre Charlet and Domitille Boudard for their incredible support at every step of this project!

Good luck for the next students who wish to organise a scientific event, EURIDOL’s annual call was just sent out, so do not miss your chance guys!

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13189 Fri, 24 Feb 2023 11:51:00 +0100 An analgesic pathway from parvocellular oxytocin neurons to the periaqueductal gray in rats "The hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) exerts prominent analgesic effects via central and peripheral action. However, the precise analgesic pathways recruited by OT are largely elusive. Here we discovered a subset of OT neurons whose projections preferentially terminate on OT receptor (OTR)-expressing neurons in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG). Using a newly generated line of transgenic rats (OTR-IRES-Cre), we determined that most of the vlPAG OTR expressing cells targeted by OT projections are GABAergic. Ex vivo stimulation of parvocellular OT axons in the vlPAG induced local OT release, as measured with OT sensor GRAB. In vivo, optogenetically-evoked axonal OT release in the vlPAG of as well as chemogenetic activation of OTR vlPAG neurons resulted in a long-lasting increase of vlPAG neuronal activity. This lead to an indirect suppression of sensory neuron activity in the spinal cord and strong analgesia in both female and male rats. Altogether, we describe an OT-vlPAG-spinal cord circuit that is critical for analgesia in both inflammatory and neuropathic pain models."


Mai Iwasaki, Arthur Lefevre, Ferdinand Althammer, Etienne Clauss Creusot, Olga Łąpieś, Hugues Petitjean, Louis Hilfiger, Damien Kerspern, Meggane Melchior, Stephanie Küppers, Quirin Krabichler, Ryan Patwell, Alan Kania, Tim Gruber, Matthew K Kirchner, Moritz Wimmer, Henning Fröhlich, Laura Dötsch, Jonas Schimmer, Sabine C Herpertz, Beate Ditzen, Christian P Schaaf, Kai Schönig, Dusan Bartsch, Anna Gugula, Aleksandra Trenk, Anna Blasiak, Javier E Stern, Pascal Darbon, Valery Grinevich, Alexandre Charlet

Actualités EURIDOL Publications EURIDOL
news-13044 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 14:56:52 +0100 Appel à Participants au projet de recherche "Emile" Invitation à participer à une recherche permettant la validation d'un outil numérique d'auto-évaluation des fonctions cognitives chez l'Homme Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche, mené par une étudiante Euridol, nous lançons un appel à participer à la validation d'un outil numérique d'auto-évaluation des fonctions cognitives chez l'Homme.

Il s'agit d'un outil qui premettrait d'insérer l'évaluation cognitive dans le suivi de patients douloureux chroniques afin d'adapter leur prise en charge et améliorer ainsi leur qualité de vie.

Les patients douloureux chroniques sont sujets à une altération des capacités cognitives liée à leur pathologie et leur traitement. Pourtant, dans leur suivi en centre de douleur ou en médecine générale, ces symptômes ne sont pas évalués et très peu pris en considération dans le choix du traitement.

La condition de participation à l'étude est :

  • Avoir + de 18 ans

Les critères d'exclusion sont :

  • Pathologie ou séquelles neurologiques
  • Pathologie psychiatrique
  • Antécédent de traumatisme crânien avec perte de connaissance ou d’accident vasculaire cérébral
  • Prise d'un traitement médicamenteux susceptible d’avoir un effet sur la cognition (e.g. antidépresseurs, antiépileptiques, somnifères), et/ou d’un traitement antalgique chronique (e.g. opioïdes, antidépresseurs, antiépileptique)
  • Consommation d’amphétamines, d’opiacés, de cannabis, de cocaïne, de benzodiazépines, de barbituriques
  • Appartenance à une catégorie de population protégée (e.g. mineurs, femmes enceintes, personnes sous tutelle ou curatelle)
  • Impossibilité de donner un consentement libre et éclairé
  • Personnes présentant un déficit auditif ou visuel importants handicapants type surdité profonde d’appareillage non possible et aveugles.


Les personnes volontaires participent à 3 sessions d'environ 30 Minutes chacune. Ces sessions sont espacées d'un mois.


Pour en savoir plus et/ou pour participer à l'étude : contactez Lisa Hadri par mail


Actualités EURIDOL
news-13076 Sun, 04 Dec 2022 11:21:00 +0100 2 awards for Research Nurse Elodie Rabatel (Team Poisbeau, INCI) for the project "PréMamanDol" Elodie Rabatel, Research Nurse in the Poisbeau Team (INCI), was awarded the French Neonatology Society Prize to the Paramedical Staff and the Paramedical Grant with the Project “PréMamanDol”. The objective of this project is to improve pain management during prolonged hospitalisation by enhancing maternal skills (which may extend to both parents). This new strategy will promote parent-child attachment. This evolution of care would be a strong argument to further support the continuous presence of parents in neonatology departments.

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13048 Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:33:00 +0200 PhD-Students Robin Kuster and Lucien Ruelle Le Glaunec write about the Pain Summer School in Heidelberg, Oct. 2022 PhD-Students Robin Kuster and Lucien Ruelle Le Glaunec participated at this Summer School on "Chronic Pain and its affective consequences", organised by the Heidelberg Pain Consortium, HaPpY and EURIDOL in October 2022. As co-organiser, EURIDOL financially supported the participation of its PhD-Students at this Summer School. The Heidelberg Pain "Summer" School, which funnily took place between 18th and 22nd October 2022, was an amazing experience for us.

The partnership between the HaPpY Programme, the Heidelberg Pain Consortium and EURIDOL allowed us to meet other young neuroscientists and to discover one of the world leading biology research University. We also discovered a city that has kept its medieval charm, hidden between the mountains, while offering a variety of entertaining activities in student driven atmosphere.

This Summer School was centered on chronic pain and its comorbidities but we learned more than that. Indeed, the first three days were dedicated to soft skills development, including scientific projects management, scientific writing and presenting confidently, and were greatly animated by the Schiller & Mertens coaching agency. This provided us with moments of really useful exchanges to reflect about our own project as well as to learn how to create and collaborate with students from other experimental background. The final days consisted of great talks and scientific discussions with leading neuroscientists from all over the world. We had the opportunity to discuss in restricted groups with these researchers which allowed to have enriching and elaborated discussions about science, of course, but also gender equality and career management.

This exciting programme made the event very interactive and personally enriching. We were able to meet fantastic students who became friends and share deeply interesting discussions on pain research. We really hope EURIDOL will continue to organize amazing events like this one, offering their students career guidance ideas, because that is what Heidelberg was for us!

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13024 Mon, 04 Jul 2022 08:00:00 +0200 PhD-Students Marion Gaborit and Volodya Hovhannisyan attended the International Narcotic research conference in Valencia (2022) PhD-Students Marion Gaborit and Volodya Hovhannisyan write about their participation at the International Narcotic research conference in Valencia, 2022. EURIDOL financially supported their participation at this conference. The International Narcotic research conference (INRC) is the perfect meeting for anyone working on the field of opioids, narcotics, pain and addiction. This conference brings together researchers, post-docs and students from around the world to share their latest scientific advances at both the preclinical and clinical levels, covering topics ranging from chemistry and molecular biology to behavioural science. The 2022 edition of the Congress featured an exciting scientific and social program in the wonderful setting of the great city of Valencia (Spain). This year, the congress covered several topics, all focusing on the involvement of opioids in "neonatal opioid exposure," "sex specific signaling," "pain, reward, and affective neural circuits," "headache disorders," "the gut-brain axis," "new therapeutic strategies," "new tools and techniques," etc. The wide variety of topics covered allows anyone involved in opioid research to find great interest in these conferences, and to participate in fruitful discussions that may bring them new ideas. Additionally, numerous social event allowed us to meet with several inspiring researchers, some for their pioneering role in opioid research and others for their innovative ideas and stunning backgrounds. On top of that, it was an opportunity to discover the Valencian culture and the tasty food, a lot of tasty food! Sin caracoles por favor. This congress takes place every year and this year will take place in Atlanta, USA from 9 to 12 July 2023, so if you can don’t miss the occasion.

Actualités EURIDOL
news-12127 Mon, 13 Jun 2022 14:02:35 +0200 Traboule Labs - a new EURIDOL partnership! EURIDOL is happy to welcome a new partner of our Graduate School of Pain! EURIDOL is happy to welcome a new partner of our Graduate School of Pain:

Traboule Labs!

Xavier FABIAN, Managing Director:

Our goal at Traboule Labs ? Use our expertise in application development and data science to make the world a better place. Nothing less. To do this, we build high-impact projects, while maintaining our ethical and human values.


Actualités EURIDOL
news-12016 Thu, 12 May 2022 23:55:00 +0200 Matilde Cordero-Erausquin and Meggane Melchior are laureates of the 2022 IDEX Attractivity Grant 2 members of the EURIDOL research and education consortium have been awarded the 2022 IDEX Attractivity Grant of the University of Strasbourg:
  • Matilde Cordero-Erausquin (UPR 3212 – INCI) for her project "CSCP: Role and interaction of corticospinal and corticopontic pathways in fine motor skills"

  • Meggane Melchior (UMR 7364 – LNCA) for her project "PREMA-PAIN: Long-term impact of extreme prematurity on pain responses and the relationship to pain"

Actualités EURIDOL
news-12015 Mon, 09 May 2022 23:55:00 +0200 PhD-Student Sarah Journée attended the "School of Neuroscience: from cellular mechanisms to disease modeling" PhD-Student Sarah Journée tells about her participation at the "School of Neuroscience: from cellular mechanisms to disease modeling", organised by the Lake Como School of Advanced studies. EURIDOL financially supported Sarah's participation at this spring school. By the lake Como in Italy, lies the Villa Grumello, where the Lake Como School of Neuroscience took place from the 9th until the 13th of May 2022.

Apart from the good Italian food and the magnificent view from the villa’s conference room, the week was filled with various interesting talks about neuroscience, especially in the scope of disease modeling. From anxiety and depression to chronic pain, via neurodegenerative diseases, and ranging from human patients to animal models, the discussions were diverse. 16 students were reunited for this summer school, coming from Italy, Spain, Russia, Albania, Hungary, Iran, France, and all had the opportunity to present their project and discuss it with their peers, which raised very interesting questions and discussions for their projects.

The invited speakers were also in great number and gave interesting talks, with thematics per session, which allowed to cover several subjects such as “Brain under stress”, “Neuropsychiatric research”, “Neurodegenerative disorders”, “Nerve injury”, “Microglia”; but also sessions dedicated to methodological approaches such as “Innovative methodological approaches” or “Stem cell models”. The broad variety of subjects was one of the big strengths of this summer school, along with the students all living together, which led to very passionate discussions and hopefully long-lasting science relationships.

The summer school will probably happen again in about two years, so keep your eyes open!

Actualités EURIDOL
news-13025 Wed, 27 Apr 2022 17:17:00 +0200 PhD-Student Marion Schott attended the 2022 Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC) in Dublin PhD-Student Marion Schott writes about her participation at the Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC) in Dublin, 2022. EURIDOL financially supported her participation at this congress. In April 2022, I had the opportunity to attend the largest international congress on pain which took place in the beautiful capital of Ireland, Dublin. Organized by the European Pain Federation, this congress gathered a large panel of medical professionals as well as researchers and PhD students working on both fundamental and clinical pain studies.

Aside from enjoying the city in the evening, we spent four days attending plenary lectures of highly distinguished experts in the field sharing their cutting-edge research and addressing the current and future developments in pain science. The congress was divided into 4 topics: “Pain syndromes”, “Pain therapies”, “Diagnosis and measurement in pain” and last but not least, “Basic in pain” which provided courses about mechanisms of pain in animal models and in human studies but also its impact at a psychological, social and economic level. We also attended workshops and poster presentations that lead to exceedingly interesting scientific discussions highly relevant for my PhD project. All in all, this congress provided me the opportunity to meet distinguished experts in the field of pain and to find out about current and future developments in pain science. I highly recommend it to people working in pain studies and wanting to broaden their horizons. So, to those interested, the next EFIC congress will take place in Budapest in September 2023!

Actualités EURIDOL
news-11139 Fri, 22 Apr 2022 15:46:22 +0200 APPEL À VOLONTAIRES VIVANT AVEC UNE DOULEUR CHRONIQUE Invitation à participer à une recherche permettant l’adaptation culturelle et linguistique d’une échelle de mesure du niveau de résilience face à la douleur Actualités EURIDOL news-10800 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:00:00 +0100 Conference Anthropological aspects of Pain EURIDOL welcomed Dr Judith NICOGOSSIAN for a conference on the Anthropological aspects of Pain on Thursday, March 24th from 4pm to 6pm, in the seminar room at INCI. EURIDOL welcomed Dr Judith NICOGOSSIAN for a conference on Anthropological aspects of Pain!

Her lecture took place on Thursday, March 24th from 4pm to 6pm, in the seminar room at INCI (8 allée du Général Rouvillois, 67000 Strasbourg).

Dr Judith Nicogossian is a linguist and anthropobiologist specialised in health. She has been a consultant for 10 years, applying anthropological theories and practices to the needs of private sector organisations through the design and direction of studies. Results are disseminated to experts and the general public through various media, columns, seminars, conferences, hackathons, serious games and scientific publications. She is also President of the French Association of Anthropology - Grenoble School.

The approach to pain is multidisciplinary because physiological causality alone cannot account for the complexity of a human’s relationship with his/her pain, raising questions of anthropology. As the scientific director of a start-up company specialised in pain management, and having directed studies for health industry companies to take into account patients' feelings of pain and suffering in the management of their illnesses; and as a lecturer on subjects related to pain management, she presented her field of expertise in understanding pain.

Actualités EURIDOL Agenda EURIDOL
news-10801 Thu, 10 Mar 2022 18:30:00 +0100 Conférence : L'ocytocine au cœur de nos émotions Alexandre Charlet, chargé de recherche CNRS à l'Institut des neurosciences cellulaires et intégratives (INCI | CNRS), responsable de l'équipe Contrôle peptidergique des émotions. L'ocytocine est aujourd'hui étudiée pour ses fonctions physiologiques, parmi lesquelles la régulation des émotions (douleur, anxiété, etc.). Nos travaux ont permis de révéler l'existence d'un ensemble de cellules ocytocinergiques, à la base des fonctions anxiolitiques de l'ocytocine. Ces résultats pourraient avoir un impact direct dans la prise en charge des troubles de l'anxiété.

Une conférence grand public du Jardin des Sciences, en partenariat avec NeuroStra et Neurex.

Actualités EURIDOL Agenda EURIDOL
news-10506 Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:26:20 +0100 Prof. Pierre Kuhn is Neonatologist of the Year 2021 Pierre Kuhn (PH, Poisbeau team) has been elected Neonatologist of the Year 2021 by the French Society of Neonatology (Société Française de Neonatologie). Actualités EURIDOL news-10436 Fri, 05 Nov 2021 08:00:00 +0100 2 Senior Members of the Institut Universitaire de France Medal ceremony 2020-2021 Two Professors from the EURIDOL community - Prof. Pierrick Poisbeau and Prof. Ayikoé-Guy Mensah-Nyagan - are for the first time appointed as senior members of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). The IUF medal ceremony for the 2020-2021 nominations took place on November 5th, 2021 at the Sorbonne University in Paris.

Actualités EURIDOL
news-10202 Fri, 01 Oct 2021 09:00:00 +0200 The 1st "EURIDOL Day" The Graduate School organised its first "EURIDOL Day" on October 1st, 2021! An event that gathered students and researchers, as well as institutional and private sector partners! Thanks to our PhD-Students and alumni for their excellent presentations which showcased the diversity of the study of pain! The EURIDOL Day was the opportunity to present developments of the Graduate School after three years of operation. In the morning, the management team presented the three pillars of EURIDOL: its governance with its strategic and operational aspects, its pedagogy with a focus on the first student cohorts and the EURIDOL curriculum, and its research with its teams, networks and achievements. A lunch buffet was organised around a poster session, allowing current EURIDOL doctoral students to present their works. The afternoon programme was exclusively dedicated to presentations from current and former PhD students, presenting the diversity of their paths and works.

The day was proposed in a hybrid format, allowing participants to join the presentations and discussions online. However, most participants enjoyed coming to the venue - a first since before the pandemic. A cheerful atmosphere during the breaks perfectly complemented the interesting presentations and discussions.

The EURIDOL team thanks all participants for making this event a successful day!

Actualités EURIDOL Agenda EURIDOL
news-10782 Wed, 22 Sep 2021 14:40:00 +0200 2021 End-of-thesis-support laureate: Gaëlle Awad This support aims to help our young researchers prepare for their postdoctoral career. For the 2021 edition, Gaëlle Awad receives 3000€. Actualités EURIDOL news-10542 Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0200 Dr. Meggane Melchior appointed as lecturer in Neuropsychology Dr. Meggane Melchior is newly appointed lecturer (Maître de Conférence) in Neuropsychology at the University of Strasbourg. She is attached to the EURIDOL team lead by Prof. André Dufour (Laboratory of Cognitive and Adaptive Neuroscience | LNCA | UMR7364).

Actualités EURIDOL
news-10435 Wed, 19 May 2021 09:00:00 +0200 NeuroFrance 2021 The congress, initially planned to be hosted by the Strasbourg neuroscientific community, became a virtual event due to the pandemic. Actualités EURIDOL Agenda EURIDOL news-10781 Wed, 30 Sep 2020 14:16:00 +0200 First laureates of the EURIDOL End-of-thesis support This support aims to help our young researchers prepare for their postdoctoral career. For the first edition of this support, two EURIDOL PhD-candidates are awarded respectively 3000€ and 6000€: Léa Becker and Lou Cathenaut. Actualités EURIDOL news-10421 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0100 2nd Edition - SFETD School on Neuropathic Pain Dr Eric Salvat (Head of CETD Strasbourg / EURIDOL clinical training) organised the second edition of the SFETD school on neuropathic pain with Drs Bouhassira, Attal and Garcia-Larrea.
Thanks also to Neurogenycs for their support!

Actualités EURIDOL