Private Sector
EURIDOL wishes to establish a close link to the private sector operating in the field of pain research and its treatments. Discover the companies that already support our Graduate School, some of them being actively involved in our training and/or research:
Contracts for hire & Collaborations
BIODOL Therapeutics
DOMAIN Therapeutics
Project Maturation
SATT Conectus Alsace
BIODOL Therapeutics
Traboule Labs

CIFRE Contract
Companies have the possibility to hire a EURIDOL PhD student through a CIFRE contract:
The CIFRE (Conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche) scheme allows companies to benefit from financial aid to recruit a young doctoral student whose research work, supervised by a public research laboratory, will lead to the defence of a thesis.
This flagship partnership research scheme, which has been highly praised by companies, laboratories and doctoral students alike, is a leverage for initiating and strengthening public-private cooperation in R&D and promoting the employment of doctors. It contributes to the innovation process of French companies and to their competitiveness.
The CIFRE is fully funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which has entrusted the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT) with its implementation.
Translated from the website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
If your company is interested in cooperating with the Graduate School, for the Training and / or the Research, you may contact the school management at euridol[at]
Patient Organisations
The Graduate School's ambition is to interact with pain-related patient organisations, both on the training and the research level.
Current partner patient organisations are:
The Association of Fibromyalgics in Alsace (Association des Fibromyalgiques d'Alsace)
The French-speaking Association for Overcoming Pain (Association Francophone pour Vaincre les Douleurs)
The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patient Organisation (Association des Patients souffrant du Syndrome de l'Intestin Irritable)
The Progressive supranuclear palsy Patient Organisation (Association des Patients souffrant de Paralysie Supranucléaire Progressive)
Indoor Santé: sports association specializing in sport and health (Association sportive spécialisée Sport-Santé )
If your association is interested in partnering with EURIDOL, you may send an e-mail to euridol[at]
Toutes les associations de patients et de patientes souhaitant rejoindre notre équipe sont les bienvenues ! N'hésitez pas à nous contacter par courriel : euridol[at]