
This page provides a sample of the publications of EURIDOL students and researchers of the Strasbourg Pain Initiative. Recent publications are presented first.

Binge sucrose-induced neuroadaptations: A focus on the endocannabinoid system

"Binge eating, the defining feature of binge eating disorder (BED), is associated with a number of adverse health outcomes as well as a reduced quality of life. Animals, like humans, selectively binge on highly palatable food suggesting that the behaviour is driven by hedonic, rather than metabolic,…

De la souffrance d’existence à celle du corps

"Le syndrome fibromyalgique rassemble une constellation de symptômes et de données hétéroclites qui traduisent une souffrance qui n’est pas seulement dans le corps. Un enchevêtrement du corps et du sens rend le code de déchiffrement malaisé à découvrir. Nombre de malentendus se nouent entre…

How to study anxiety and depression in rodent models of chronic pain?

"Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are frequently observed in patients suffering from chronic pain. Over time, different tests and models have been developed in rodents to study the anxiodepressive-like consequences of chronic pain. This review describes these preclinical tools (models…